Letter: Everyone made school year great

In light of the rough start to our school year at Ottawa Glandorf Local Schools, I would like to take a moment to say thank you to all the hardworking teachers, staff, students, and parent volunteers for making the 2015-16 school year such a success from the start.

From those who grade papers every night, to those who give their time to read to the elementary children, and those who save vacation days to chaperone the Washington, D.C., trip, I applaud you.

And for all of the amazing people who collaborated to make the Dinner Theater, Prom and Senior Musical such fun, thank you. You made the month of April absolutely memorable.

I had the good fortune of experiencing Dinner Theater and Post Prom as both participant and observer. I witnessed adults and students working together with smiles on their faces, and respect in their words and actions. This produced an environment for students to display their many talents, develop loyalty and commitment to the group, and mutual respect to grow as the students saw the teachers, staff and parents voluntarily spending hours together.

In turn the adults got to see how dedicated the students were to supporting and taking honest joy in the success of their peers. What a grand opportunity these kids have to build lasting relationships with the adults in their school lives.

This doesn’t just happen folks. It is created and cultivated. How blessed we are to send our children into a school setting where we know they will be cared for as if they were one of their very own.

By Mary Jo Beining, Ottawa