Letter: Nothing in life is free

Our children and grandchildren need to hear the following lesson loud and often, “Nothing in life is free!”

Government does not “sell,” it creates no income or cash flow from sales. Rather, when government wants money it taxes people and businesses. The bigger government gets, the more money it needs to sustain itself. Federal and state governments are experts at providing social solutions for small special interests at a cost to the taxpayers. The worst method for providing these “services” is when the government takes away some basic freedom which we take for granted.

Yes, seat belts save lives, but why do we need the government to mandate this? Will new gun laws save lives? Maybe, maybe not, but we still have the right to bear arms according to the Constitution. We supposedly need new immigration laws to stop “illegal” border crossings. No matter what you think of government, from progressive liberal to ultra conservative, do we really need new laws when some folks are ignoring the laws we already have? Will new gun laws stop criminals from carrying firearms? Will new immigration laws stop the invasion of our country by terrorists and drug cartels?

We need to stop looking to the government to solve our problems for “free;”and rely on each other and our own personal integrity to guarantee the freedoms we sometimes take for granted. Freedom is never free, mutual respect for each other and ourselves is the answer to almost every social problem in the world. We do not need more government, we need more respect and personal responsibility from all citizens. Remember, our children and grandchildren are watching and learning from our example.

— Michael Lammers, Ottawa