Letter: America stands tall feeding hungry

Around the world, nearly 800 million people are chronically hungry. And malnutrition kills more than 3 million children every year. Those of us who follow Christian teachings are called upon to help the poor and needy.

I am happy to say that the United States is rising to this moral obligation of providing food assistance to the less fortunate. That is the ethos behind the Global Food Security Act, which is on the verge of passing Congress – and with strong bipartisan support. This bill authorizes essential U.S. programs focused on international food assistance and disaster relief for another two years.

It seems nothing is certain in today’s political climate, so it was inspiring to see a strong bipartisan majority in Congress, including our own Congressman Jim Jordan, come together over such an important issue. The Legislation strikes the right balance, allowing us to fulfill our Christian obligations by teaching sustainable farming and fisheries practices that are proven to enable struggling communities to achieve food security and self-reliance in the long term.

Most remarkably, this wouldn’t require extra effort from us – the bill keeps spending at current levels so that we don’t sacrifice priorities here at home or burden future generations with more debt. Those are goals worth working for.

America is truly blessed and bountiful. With the Global Food Security Act, we will also remain kind and charitable. This is just one more reason to be proud to live in the best nation on Earth.

— The Rev. Steve Blum, pastor, St. Charles Parish