Letter: Show your pride by saluting flag

My son and I recently attended a high school baseball game at Fifth Third Field in Toledo. In introducing the playing of the National Anthem, as is customary procedure, the announcer asked members of the audience to remove their hats and stand, facing the flag.

But then he said, “Veterans may salute the flag, either covered or uncovered,” meaning with hats on or off. As a veteran I always take advantage of my privilege of saluting the flag during the playing of The Star Spangled Banner.

Because my military service occurred during the Cold War, and no one was shooting at me, I certainly do not regard myself as any kind of a hero. Nevertheless, now more than half a century later, I still feel a sense of satisfaction from having done what my country required of every qualified young man at that time. I am proud to be a veteran.

May I encourage all veterans to show pride in the service they provided to their country by saluting their flag every time they have such an opportunity. By your witness, you may even encourage some young person to recognize that we live in a land that is worth making a personal sacrifice to serve.

And may I also encourage announcers at all such venues to remind veterans of the privilege they have earned by their service, as well as to remind all others in attendance that their freedoms are still worth fighting for.

— LaRee D. Little, Lima