Letter: You have 2 choices — Dump the lies, or be a fool

I want to address aspects of our Society which Politicians do not have the courage to address.

Do you know why you are issued a Social Security number when you are born? It is so that you are classified as an indentured servant to the U.S. government. Did you know that before 1913 Americans kept all of their paychecks?

If you are proud of being a tax paying citizen, it is only because you do not know the facts. Politicians claim to be servants, and yet they live far above what a servant has. There are a large amount of Americans living paycheck to paycheck, and having their hard earned money robbed from them every paycheck, through the atrocious tax system.

When I was a child, my father was the sole provider for our family. In our present state, “sole providers” are a rarity. The cost of living has increased dramatically since I was born in 1952, whereas our wages have come far short of the cost of living.

The amount of money it takes for politicians to run for the presidential office is preposterous. We need a “common person,” with common sense to be a president, and not the millionaires, and the billionaire Trump. If a “common person” lead our country, we would not have the circus” which we are forced to endure.

Remember that when you recite the Pledge Of Allegiance, that you are pledging to a “Republic,” and not a Democracy which you have been snared to believe in.

Do your research, and when you do, you will dump the lies which you have been sold.

— Ron Weiss, Lima