Letter: Who deserves your vote?

The debate between Jesse Lowe and John Nixon certainly provided a stark difference between this administration’s cronyism and the outsider. Mr. Lowe’s comment he has not had a conversation with the mayor, in his five years on council, was shocking! How could that be?

Mr. Lowe also mentioned he visits his constituents to insure he has the pulse on their opinion. I have never met Mr. Tebben. How could that be?

What I do know though, Mr. Tebben has voted 100% of the time with the administration (cityhall.lima.oh.us). How could that be?

The error here was voting for candidates who do not seek out the opinions of their constituents. This in turn gives the elected official carte blanche to proceed in a direction to proceed without a clear communicated vision for the city.

As we prepare to elect the city council president and the 4th Ward Councilman, we need to elect those who value the opinions of their constituents on issues and must believe transparency is a priority. Those who fail that simple litmus test just cannot be our representatives in our government.

Rebecca Kreher is offering those residents of the 4th Ward a viable alternative, as is Jesse Lowe as President of City Council. This change will provide Lima residents with proper representation and complete transparency will in turn will move Lima from its current downward trajectory to a move in a positive direction.

— LuAnn Lause, Lima