Letter: Tebben puts friendship first

Did anyone notice finance chairman Tom Tebben’s re-election to council was endorsed by Mayor Berger? I’m sure the mayor was pleased to recommend Tebben, after all it was Tebben and Nixon who gave Berger a $57,000 raise this four-year (2013 to 2016) over his last four-year term (2009 to 20012). Then from 2017 to 2020, it goes up again to $526,000, an $80,000 increase in only eight years.

Lima News Jim Krumel in his column asked “should an inexperienced mayor make the same amount it took a 28 year veteran to earn” referencing a mayor succeeding Berger? Tebben was asked about resetting the mayor’s pay scale however, his concern was that it would present “complications.”

Tebben was present at Nixon’s reelection announcement, they are apparently very good friends. When Tebben’s “complications” retort referring to the mayoral pay scale it seemed he was talking about Nixon, since he knows his good friend John Nixon intends to be the next mayor of Lima.

By refusing to reset the mayor’s salary at the end of this term, Tebben has put friendship with Nixon above what is best for Lima. Everyone should now understand the reason $80,000 in only 8 years. Let’s call it the Nixon Tebben get rich quick plan. For all you voters who have voted for Nixon and Tebben; they have proven they can’t be trusted with your money. It’s time for change in city government, we need Rebecca Kreher in Lima’s 4th ward and Jesse Lowe, Lima City Council President.

— Tim Guthrie, Lima