Letter: Legalize, control, tax marijuana

Since Ronald Reagan declared War on Drugs, the overall results have been a dismal failure. The law enforcement community has done its best, but they cannot stem the tide. Prohibition helped create the mob and all the War on Drugs has done is to create drug cartels that make the mob look like choir boys.

I’ve heard all the discussions about we don’t want the kids to get it, keep it out of schools, they will all turn in heroin addicts, etc. Wake Up, the kids already have it and despite best efforts it is in the schools and saying that they will all turn into heroin addicts is like say every one who drinks will be an alcoholic.

Let us legalize it, control it and most of all make some tax dollars from the cultivation and sale. The cultivation and sale is already happening all across Ohio, we just cannot get tax money because it is illegal and not regulated. Not saying that illegal growers will stop and they probably won’t. Remember the War on Drugs hasn’t stopped them either.

— Dave Gudakunst, Elida