Letter: Issue 1 gives power to voters

When you vote “yes” on Issue 1, you will help restore Ohio’s democracy by reforming the process of drawing Ohio’s electoral districts. The new constitutional amendment will make sure that Ohio voters, not political parties, decide who gets elected and who controls the General Assembly.

Lima’s Representative Matt Huffman, a Republican, sponsored the General Assembly bill that put Issue 1 on the ballot. According to him, the new district maps will be “the product of a much better process … that I think the public will be able to follow.”

Overwhelming bipartisan agreement proves that Issue 1 is a change we all can support. The Ohio House and Senate both approved of Huffman’s bill, with votes of 82-8 and 28-1, respectively. In addition, both the Ohio Republican Party and the Ohio Democratic Party support a “yes” vote on Issue 1.

Issue 1 will fix a critical flaw in Ohio’s election procedure. At present, the party in power controls the district-drawing process. Effectively, after each census this lets one party pick election winners and losers for the next ten years—and make itself the winner. This one-party rule suffocates healthy democratic competition, encourages ideological extremism, and leads to legislative recklessness or gridlock.

In contrast, Issue 1 will require minority approval of any new General Assembly district maps. If the majority disregards the minority and draws undemocratically partisan districts, it will face significant penalties.

Let’s vote to make Ohio a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

— Michael Haycock, Lima

Vote YES on Issue 1 on November 3.

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