Letter: What’s needed in a leader

I watched the first Democratic debate to see what a potential president might do for our country. I heard no ideas to deal with national problems — national security, the need for more jobs, the $18 trillion debt . Instead I heard what politicians always say when they want to get elected – promises of even more social programs such as free college. Where would they get the money? Not just from “the rich” but from the hard-working citizens that now have jobs and seniors who were promised Social Security/Medicare for their previous hard work. (A reminder that Social Security payments will not increase next year). And, continually increasing the national debt could cause the collapse of our once strong and prosperous nation.

As Big Government takes more and more of our dollars, it also takes more and more control of our lives and the freedoms our country was built on.freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to bear arms are crumbling. Our ability to be self-sufficient and productive – that’s what made our country great – not government handouts and government control.

So, while the media tells you how each candidate did in the debate, think for yourself and what is best for our nation and each of us in it. Consider each candidate thoughtfully before you cast your ballot because our country needs the very best. As for me, I want a statesman not a politician – an honest, problem-solving leader with wisdom who puts the best interests of this nation and we, the people, before self.

— Nancy Thieman, Lima