Letter: Don’t be a dope; ‘No’ on Issue 3

I have been appalled by the huge number of commercials on TV urging the passage of Issue 3 which would legalize marijuana for medicinal and recreational use. I am also appalled by the lack of commercials asking people to vote no on Issue 3.

A very small percentage of the population might benefit from the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes, but make it available only by prescription. Making marijuana available for recreational use and putting it in foods is a horrible idea. We already have a huge drug problem. Are we going to turn our heads and ignore it or are we going to take a step against it and vote no on Issue 3?

Thanks to The Lima News, I learned that the 10 potential marijuana growers were each required to contribute $2 million to the group backing Issue 3. No wonder I see so many ads supporting Issue 3. Its about money for a few already wealthy individuals rather than the good of society. Please do our community and our state a favor and vote no on Issue 3. If you have read about the increased problems Colorado has been having since marijuana was legalized there, you know we can’t allow the supporters of Issue 3 to buy is passage.

— Martha Warden, Lima