Letter: You’re always welcome to vote

A few questions about voting:

• If you vote, then when do you vote? All eligible to vote can cast their ballot on Tuesday, Nov. 3. Hours are between 6:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. The main thing you need to do is to show up.

• How do you vote? If you have voted before, then you know “how to vote.” If this is your first time to vote, then there are very helpful people ready to assist you. It is an easy process: many people do it twice a year.

• Why do you vote? Each voter has reasons for “why I vote.” At the top of this list may be “because I love my country.” If you need more reasons, try some of these: I want to participate. I want my candidate to win. This is the best way to express my beliefs.

• Why should you vote? This is an even longer list. Suffice it to say “then I feel like a real American,” “then I have earned the right to comment and complain about the State of the Union!”

Last questions: Will you come? Will you vote? You are always welcome!

— George H. Haver
