Letter: Problem with voter identification

Every state has different laws for voter identification. In Ohio you can vote using only a check stub, utility bill, or driver’s license.

We need a way that will ensure Americans only vote one time. We could issue a voter ID card about the size of a credit card with a picture, pertinent information and a bar code that could be scanned and then checked that would allow you to vote one time. It should be issued to Americans. We have refugees and illegals voting and it hurts our elections.

There are people who want to vote by mail. They should have their card scanned when they pick up the ballot. There are people that may vote in different states and this is a state issue, but maybe there should be a national way to check between states. The last elections have had some voter fraud in different states and this might be a way to stop it. The 30-day period to vote is too long. In Ohio we have 11.5 million people and 1.5 million vote by mail, and just who checks on ID’s on these votes?

The cost would be a lot less than what is being spent on the nuclear deal with Iran.

— Ed Shick, Elida