Letter: Abortion photos not age appropriate

I saw those type of pictures when I was in a college class in the 80’s and again driving in a large city in the early 2000’s. Horrible and graphic to say the least. We will agree to disagree when it comes to aborted baby pictures and showing them to elementary aged children.

We have become a society of the “shock factor.” What are the statistics from your organization that this type of tactic works? Do your statistics show what you quoted, Mille Fisher, that parents are ‘too lazy to use birth control?’ Is that in the survey from which you quote? What are the socio-economic demographics of the parents who choose abortion over adoption? What are their financial means to not be able to afford birth control? Also, when was the last time your organization went to a kindergarten class to show your ‘presentation?’ I am guessing probably never.

If parents are supposed to use those pictures as a ‘teaching moment’ for a child, I would suspect that in order to fully understand, the parent(s) should start at the beginning of the life cycle of the sexes and continue to describe in detail up to and including intercourse, conception and on to aborted babies. This all for 6-year-old and 9-year-old children? I question your motive. It is up to the parent(s) to approach this subject at an age appropriate time for the child’s understanding.

Obviously, there needs to be more done in education with birth control or abstinence as well as free or affordable birth control. This would include both boys and girls.

I am sure you will agree with me when I liken those pictures to rated R movies with the blood, guts and gore of human remains. Hardly appropriate for elementary children, hence the rating.

Rachael E. Lewis

Lima, Ohio