Letter: Memories of teen last forever

Jonathan Andrews was a brother and a son. He was somebody’s friend, somebody’s teammate, and a student. He was the brightest spot in somebody’s life.

On Sept. 24, the average age of those listed in the obituaries was 67 years old. Jonathan was 17. Although I did not know him as well as many others did, the outpouring of support for Jonathan’s family, friends and classmates show me that he was loved. It shows me that he will be missed.

Do not be afraid to grieve. Do not be afraid to laugh, to cry and to remember.

To all of the young people impacted by the loss of two friends, know that the heartache will heal with time. Be there for one another and remember that every single one of you has your own battles. When your friends cross your mind throughout your life, and they will from time to time, take a moment and smile. Enjoy the memory and send a little light and prayers toward their families.

As I pray for all of those who are hurting , I remember two of my friends with a smile. I can still picture their faces; hear their laughter. I still think of their families and our friends. Believe me, your friends will not be forgotten. Over the years they will come to mind. Their smiles, their laughter, and the stories that all of you share, those are the memories that will keep them in your heart.

— Katie Meffers, Lima