Letter: Help save our water, farmland

Americans solve problems when we brainstorm and listen to each other. Everyone living in a watershed is responsible for watershed maintenance and cleanliness of our waterways because everyone uses water.

As the Blanchard River flooding debate continues with the powers that be in Findlay pushing the selfish, expensive plan as the Army Corps, big business, and politicians continue to divide the community in order to reach their goals of hopefully receiving funding from a broke federal government for the diversion channel, the common sense plan is ignored. By the way, field tile does not cause flooding. I doubt that the huge, round, hay bale photographed this August sitting on top of the dam at Riverside Park in Findlay traveled through a 6 inch tile!

A fair solution that benefits both Findlay and the rest of the towns and counties in the watershed should be sought and is what the voters thought they were voting on in 2009 when the sales tax was passed to help communities with flooding problems. Our greatest natural resource is in horrible condition as pictures and viewing the waterways clearly shows. Remember this is America and we can do anything but we do it united rather than pitting one group against another.

Water and farm land are two of our greatest natural resources and should be preserved and saved for future generations to enjoy. If you prefer a fair plan for all watershed residents, please call commissioners in Hancock, Putnam, Seneca, and Wyandot Counties and ask them to please work together for the people on a fair plan that helps flooding and saves our natural resources.

— Vanessa Vandale, Findlay