Letter: So many reasons Issue 3 is bad

The front page of The Lima News recently featured a rally that touted the so-called, medical benefits of medical marijuana. Let us not forget about the proven problems:

• The federal government categorizes this drug as highly addictive and only permits use as a prescribed Schedule 1 drug.

• Drug abuse is a plague on our nation and abusers often begin with recreational use of marijuana.

• Users will make our roads even less safe.

• According to a recently released federal report, pot accident deaths increased 32 percent in just one year in Colorado.

• Users will lack the ambition to better their lives through hard work or education. It is a side effect of the drug.

• More teens will try it if it is more easily accessible.

• Long-term use does cause brain damage. As the users age, this will only add an unnecessary burden on our healthcare system.

• Employer have difficulty finding Ohioans who are capable of working for them because they fail the drug test. At what point will manufacturers choose to plant their businesses in other states?

Vote no on issue 3!

Dawn Davis, Lima

So many reasonsIssue 3 is bad