Letter: Trump talks a lot, but backs it up

In response to the comments made by Michael Cheesman regarding whether anyone actually takes Donald Trump seriously — ” I do .” He is the only one that seems to know what this country needs and is willing to do what it takes to make it happen Yes, he may be a braggart, but he backs up what he says.

Some say he has no political knowledge; well that may be true in some respect, but in my opinion, we need some fresh ideas from someone other than the senators that have sat in and let Obama do what he has for the past seven years. They all say they disagreed with Obama but still it seems some have went along with him for what ever reason. So much for political experience! Trump has dealt with many politicians over the years and has dealt with many other country leaders in a business aspect and knows how to barter and make deals with them so that both parties benefit. Unlike the President we now have in office!

As for Hillary Clinton, she can’t be trusted to tell the truth in anything she does or says. She will lie, cheat, and manipulate to make herself look like the innocent party. When she did nothing about the Benghazi situation and then tried to cover it up. She lied about the e-mails and even when they proved her wrong she still lied. She’s no better than the one we have in office now!

If you think our country is headed for socialism now, wait and see what happens if Hillary or Sanders get in.!!

— Joyce Miller, Lima, Ohio