Letter:Former cop now paid to be a pot pusher

By now, I am sure you have seen the retired cop on TV asking you to violate the federal Law. This man is trying to convince you that the way to cut down on the harmful affects of marijuana is to decriminalize it. Can we cut down on the harmful affects of murder by decriminalizing it also?

Guess who is paying him to say these things? If this issue passes, 10 individuals or cartels will control all the marijuana sold in the State. Effectively, they are just eliminating competition from the street dealer. Guess who will get exceedingly rich?

Proponents say that the marijuana would only find its way into the hands of people over 21 just like alcohol. Tell that to middle school and high school teachers. With the increased availability of this drug, it would easily get into the hands of our youth.

Teachers are supposed to be concerned about the well being of our youth. Why haven’t we heard teachers coming out against this issue? Why haven’t we heard from the respect for life originations? Does the respect for life stop at birth? Where are our church leaders? Drugs and moral corruption go hand in hand.

Using marijuana will not necessarily lead to harder drugs but I doubt that there is a heroin user that didn’t start with marijuana.

— Paul F. Janning, Wapakoneta