Letter: Kinship Caregivers keep children safe

September is National Kinship Month. During this month, Allen County Children Services celebrates the awesome work that Kinship Caregivers do for kids.

These caregivers consist of immediate and extended family members, friends and other significant people who have strong bonds and connections with the children. They provide care for children when it is not safe or appropriate for them to remain in their homes. Kinship care providers keep children safe while maintaining secure connections to all which is familiar to them.

Kinship Caregivers adjust their lives to ensure the well‐being of the kids. Sometimes they do so at great personal cost. They open their homes and give of themselves; their time and energy. These people choose to make a difference by caring, by rolling up their sleeves and becoming involved. They are a valuable part of a team, whose goal is the safety and well‐being of all children.

On behalf of the staff of Allen County Children Services, it is with great appreciation that we celebrate Kinship Month 2015. To those caregivers we say, “Thank you! We applaud your extraordinary spirit and the generous investment you make in the lives of the children of Allen County”.

— Anna M. Rex, LSW Kinship Care Resource Caseworker Allen County Children Services