Letter: Kim Davis is far from being a hero

In response to the letter Saturday in The Lima News calling Kim Davis a “hero,” I would like to respectfully object. To me Kim Davis is more like a religious tyrant, or perhaps bully is a better word. When she accepted the position of clerk and made an oath (hand on Bible most likely), she vowed to represent the whole county she works in, not just the ones who share her beliefs.

The position she accepted requires her to “verify” (not condone or endorse) the fact that the people seeking a marriage license have met the “legal” (not religious) requirements. She definitely has a right to her own religious convictions, but cannot force them on others by negating their constitutional rights. It makes me wonder if a heterosexual atheist couple, divorced couple, even Satanist couple can get married with Kim’s signature, but not a homosexual couple, singling them out. She thinks she can pick and choose who can get married and who cannot?

When she realized she could not fulfill her job requirements, she could have stepped down. Instead, she decided to use that “tiny” bit of power to put her faith on a stage of judgment and condemnation rather than one of love and tolerance. Is Christianity a religion of hate and bigotry — I think not.

Unfortunately, this polarizing issue puts Christianity on the defensive. Is that the trait of a hero? What was so noble about denying a gay couple’s right to happiness and love? I believe a true hero would have not insisted on her on way and would accept the compromise that was offered, to let someone else handle what she was uncomfortable doing. That would have taken courage and humility instead of that 15 minutes in the spotlight.

— Lynn Gratz, Lima