Freak kills puppy,my trust of people

I was at a gas station three months ago when a young 40 year old asked me to take him to Lima. He said his wife was giving him problems. I felt bad for him so I did. He told me his last name. I knew his dad years ago. I felt it would be OK.

He would stop by my house every other Friday with beer and talk about his work and home life. I was leery about him, but when you’re down, you need to talk to someone. I was it.

Well, I did not know he was a freak. He took a laxative from my cabinet and gave it to my 2-year-old puppy. She died in my arms. I will never help anybody again. I’ve learned my lesson. I have proof that he did it. I’m 65 years and she and I was in love. I took her everywhere. He killed me. Please trust your instincts. If he could do this to a 2-year-old puppy, what do you think he could do to a 2-year-old child?

— Donovan Cockerell, Spencerville

Letter: Freak kills trust by feeding laxative to puppy