Letter: Time to take care of people

Does anyone really take Donald Trump serious as a presidential candidate? Has the GOP just become a basket of goofballs and freaks that are designed to cause trouble for the rest of the world?

It’s impossible to believe either side anymore. The Democrats are loving The Donald. The Donald is making them look good. Are they good?

Hillary is of course our best bet and Bernie is who all of us old hippies would really like to see in there. Just like The Donald, Bernie can’t win.

It is imperative that we put someone in there this time that doesn’t destroy everything that has been fixed. This cycle has to be broken. The GOP takes the controls and crashes the ship and the Dems come in and fix it. We get so close to really making a choice like Bernie but just can’t seem to. Of course most of the reason is because he calls himself an independent which means socialist.

We got close to that with Obama being a liberal which can also suggest socialist ideals which in all honesty we are moving toward anyway. It’s time to take care of the people. We the people are the principles that politics must become a common anchor for.

This brings us back to who can win and who wants the job bad enough and who is not a raving lunatic. Ah yes Hillary. The queen of the US of A.

Remember how shocked and surprised Romney was. Pay attention people. We got a good gig going right now. Let’s not get complacent.

— Michael Cheeseman, Lima