Letter: Nice to be back in Ohio

My wife and I were back in Lima on an extended vacation, as we were both born and raised in the area. On July 5, we had gone to breakfast at Bob Evans on the north side of town. We were done eating and about ready to leave when the waitress came to our table and picked up the check and tore it into little pieces. I asked what was going on and she told me that a lady out front had paid for our meal. I immediately got up and went out to see who it was but the waitress said she was gone. I went outside but could see no one.

I do not know who this lady was, but if she reads The Lima News, I want her to know that it was a great surprise and most assuredly was appreciated. With a great big thank you so much. This is the spirit of kindness that has made this country so great.

— Paul & Carole Lhamon, Barstow, California