Letter: Keeping WBGSU open a simple concept

Are we wasting our time? Good question! I have written seven letters to The Lima News, The Findlay Courier, The Bowling Green Sentinel, The Toledo Blade, Dr. Mazey and to Dr. Patrick Pauken. This will be letter No. 8.

I suspect it is all in vain. I suspect the decision was made long before anyone at the TV station or anyone in the public at large was even aware of the possibility of closing the station. I stated this at the Findlay meeting with the administration of BGSU.

Why would I suspect this. I taught Math at Shawnee High School for 30 years and I have at least some understanding of teaching and learning. Keeping something as valuable as this TV station open is a simple concept. How can it take four meetings with the public (many letters to the media, many letters to trustee’s and many letters to bgsu officials) to get across the simple idea: “Do not close this station”.

I wonder about one other aspect of closing the station: Will we see a $40 million dollar building going up in the next few years? Will this building have a special name on it? Like the name of the president of BGSU. The TV station is sold into darkness so one person can have the legacy she/he wants. That would be sad indeed.

Just wondering.

— George H. Haver, Lima