Letter: Remember to visit those who are lonely

The message that I am trying to convey here is never forget to love. Never forget that peace is the answer to everything, and everything is consciousness to the infinite now. Don’t forget to always show love and attention to your family, friends and loved ones, and always show love to the animals and plants, and to the soil and the earth. These are just a few of the things that we are connected to.

Most importantly is always remember those of your collection of family, friends and loved ones, especially if they may find themselves in a hospital, nursing home, rehabilitation center or other institutions.

Even though these places are full of people, they can feel so lonely when your gang of love and peace doesn’t visit. A simple visit that may only take an hour at a time means a beautiful new day to those who are in the position of waiting for that visit.

Fancy presents or beautiful flowers don’t match the joyous celebration of the heart from a visit in the flesh and blood.

The connection is getting stronger, and it’s becoming apparent that copiousness is the key to everything. The more we become connected in love and peace, the more we will find that war is not needed. It is a terrible thing. We will find that violence in all forms is a horrible way to spend such a beautiful one day at a time.

I have been blessed with family and friends that have stood by me as I go through my healing process, and now we have my mother here to join in with this celebration of life. Please always celebrate life and celebrate it with those that you love and of course love everyone.

Michael Cheeseman
