Letter: The Lima News overplays race card

Why does The Lima News have a fascination with comparisons of arrests among blacks and whites? Time after time it presents partial analysis and connects it with the major news items on black deaths in police situations. What is the connection between traffic arrests and a black girl hanging herself? Would it hurt to let the public know not only what is printed, but also what is neglected? Her simple compliance to the officer’s requests and she would be alive today.

Possibly 10 to 15 times The Lima News has mentioned or used AP to quote that a white policeman shot an unarmed black boy. Neglected is the fact that the boy was huge and had strong-armed a merchant before taking goods. He refused to obey the policeman, had smashed into the police car where he bludgeoned the cop (an emergency room case) before he was stopped.

Despite all the lies about the incident, two juries cleared the policeman, so the NAACP wants to do away with juries. Also ignored were the three black ministers and two black athletes who agreed that this was all unnecessary if Brown had simply obeyed the police requests. Similarly, Dr. King, niece of Dr MLK, on TV agreed and then commented that black parents had to start installing respect for authority.

Thank you for finally quoting the black Milwaukee sheriff who has publicly opposed both Obama’s and The Lima News views over the last year. He agrees with Dr King that there is a major need to change the attitudes of both blacks and police when they meet in controversial situations, not just the police.

— Donald Ammon, Cridersville