Letter: BGSU’s PBS debate makes you question priorities

Sometimes, your future is what you make it out to be. However, circumstances can have a large impact on your future. Example: You just graduated from high school, and the next question may be, “Now what?”

I taught school for 30 years, so the answer to that question was easy for me. (Math teacher at Shawnee High School) I knew that was the right profession for me.

I graduated from Bluffton College (bachelor’s degree) and from Western Michigan (masters degree). So, where will you go to college, if that is right for you?

There are a lot of choices in Northwest Ohio. We have many quality schools of higher learning. Most of them will surely have your best interests as their priority.

But will they? Bowling Green State University would love to see you as a freshman. But you will need to figure out if they will have your best interests at heart.

It’s a university with a great teaching tool such as its own TV station! And the president is willing to throw it all away for a few gold coins.

What is her real commitment to young children trying to learn their ABCs from the Muppets on Sesame Street? You cannot learn anything from a TV station that is closed down.

So, do you really want to go to a school that cares so little about your education, entertainment, enrichment, motivation, and learning life long skills?

As you answer ‘now what,’ make sure you go to a college that really cares about all students of all ages! Yes, it does matter, a lot!

George H. Haver
