Letter: ADHD drugs killing U.S.

Public schools are about to start so now you parents, especially the single parents, will be called to the school for a meeting to have your grade school boy put on ADHD drugs because he is acting too much like a male.

You will be called in for meetings with school psychologists, school social worker and head of special-education department and pressured to put your grade school son on ADHD drugs.

All you have to do is follow the trail of money. Pharmacy companies are making billions of dollars on getting male children hooked on ADHD drugs, the schools are getting big kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies for getting as many male students on ADHD drugs and the progressive liberals have a list of 21 ways to take the United States down and to make it their way.

Number six of the 21 is to get as many males on ADHD drugs as possible. Because progressive liberals know the more young males they can get on ADHD drugs, the more males that will be dependent on government in later life. Because ADHD drugs take away their drive to succeed.

Glen Lewis, Lima