Letter: In search of honesty

“Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute.” — Robert Goodbar Harper, 1765-1825, U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. True then; true today.

This administration bargained with mortal enemies, Iranians and ISIS, killers of free societies and God loving people. What reasoning could intelligent people accept premise that killers of innocent men, women and children would honor negotiations halting nuclear proliferation? Who of sound mind would place the very lives of our children and grandchildren in mortal danger, being annihilated by killers of rogue regimes.

Haters of a civilized world must be shown their actions will not be tolerated. Agreement by an administration bent on trying to make a name for itself themselves, to promote a legacy, a bad one at that, will not be accepted by the American public and other reasonable people.

We have been shown that we could not keep our doctors, medical insurance and safety for our country. We and our children are not privy to high security as this administration and elected officials. We’ve been lied to concerning IRS scandals, deletion of government records, a movie causing slaughter in Benghazi, dramatic rising costs of medical insurance due to Obamacare and the free ride illegal immigrants enjoy at expense of our taxpayers.

Don’t close Gitmo. Send all terrorists, homegrown and otherwise there for perpetuity. Halt illegal immigration that is killing our sons, daughters, husbands and wives. Defend this country through all necessary appropriation, manpower and material. Send the fight to them instead of allowing despots on our home turf.

— Leslie J. Kibinski, Wapakoneta