Letter: Planned Parenthood video deserves better coverage

On July 14 and 21, two undercover videos were released by the Center for Medical Progress, showing two high-level Planned Parenthood executives discussing prices for fetal body parts (such as livers and hearts) procured from abortions. The videos have gone viral with millions of views, and Planned Parenthood has released its own video response.

Due to the questions of illegality raised by the videos — the sale of human organs, modification of the abortion procedure for organ harvesting and partial birth abortion (seemingly described in the video) — House Speaker John Boehner has called on two congressional committees to investigate Planned Parenthood.

Eighty-one congressmen are sponsoring H.R. 3134 to defund Planned Parenthood. Fifty Senators have written a letter to Health and Human Services to begin an investigation. And the governors of eight states, including Ohio, have, to date, ordered investigations of Planned Parenthood clinics in their states.

And yet, with all of this important state and national news, The Lima News’ silence is deafening. The only piece covering the story was an editorial piece on July 21 by Cynthia M. Allen. There has not been one single news piece on the story.

I am greatly disappointed and honestly frustrated that The Lima News has not carried this national story. I hope this absence of coverage was simply oversight and not intentional; I will give benefit of the doubt.

I respectfully but firmly expect that this lack of news coverage be fixed to ensure journalistic integrity. Those who have not seen the shocking videos may see them at centerformedicalprogress.org.

— Edward A. Luersman

Fort Jennings