Letter: Help save PBS station

Supporters and loyal viewers of WBGU-TV/PBS we need your help.

Please come to Keese Hall on the Rhodes State Campus, this Monday at 7 p.m. and join the public forum conducted by Bowling Green State University President Dr. Mary Ellen Mazey. Mazey and the BGSU board of trustees are weighing the options facing them in the possible spectrum auction of WBGU-TV.

A one-time windfall of possibly up to $40 million from the FCC auction could be spent by the university in the blink of an eye and be gone forever. This would mean WBGU-TV and the quality programming from the Public Broadcasting System would be lost to the viewers of west central Ohio perhaps forever.

We can’t allow this to happen to this viewer-supported television station. There is strength in numbers. Please come to Keese Hall at 7 p.m. Monday and join in a strong show of support for WBGU-TV/PBS. Let President Mazey and the trustees of Bowling Green State University know that allowing this television station to “go dark” is not an option.

Bruce A. Opperman


Bruce A. Opperman is graduated from Bowling Green State University in 1966.