Letter: Killed by our food

If you love your family, relatives, and friends, you will hear what is on my heart.

Every disease known is directly linked to the consumption of meat and dairy. I have lost family members, relatives, and friends because of the food they put into their bodies. Check out the China Study online, find the facts on the meat industry on http://meatonomics.com. Go to The NotMilk Homepage. The reason the hospital industry, the nursing home industry, and the funeral industry all prosper is linked to the foods that people are consuming.

I am 62 years old, and am not on any medications. I have been in the security field for 26 years, and have not had any sick days. This is all credited to my creator, and his guidelines for healthy eating. Read Genesis 1:29, I have energy upon energy, and can run circles around people my age and younger. My wish is to see everyone live healthy and without sickness and disease. The plant-based diet is the most ethical way to live in this world.

We live in an evil world, and the power brokers of this evil world want to bring the world population down from the present 7 billion plus, to 500 million, or less. Google the “Georgia Guidestones.” There are 10 commandments of man engraved on those stones. Commandment No. 1 states: “Maintain humanity under five hundred million.” That would eliminate more than 90 percent of the world population.

How will these evil people reach this goal? They will do it by what they put in the food, water and air. Think about it.

Ron J. Weiss, Lima