Letter: We can’t afford to lose WBGU-TV

If you care about being able to view public television in our area of northwest Ohio, be at Rhodes State College, Keese Hall Multipurpose Center, at 7 p.m. Aug. 3.

Bowling Green State University is studying how to participate in an auction of WBGU-TV’s airwaves in early 2016. They will explain their various options at this forum.

We need to fill 200 seats for listening, asking questions and speaking up about what WBGU-TV has meant to our community over the past 50-some years.

We need to let them know that we count on having access to PBS programming for the well-being of our children, our grandchildren, ourselves and our community.

Lima Mayor David Berger has aptly described this as a “quality-of-life” issue. Public television provides the highest quality programming for education, the arts and entertainment in the U.S.

It’s critical for us to show strong support for this cause by attending. Everyone in the community is invited. Be there to show you care!

Carol Gibson, Elida