Letter: Healthcare ruling helped Ohioans

I am writing in response to Thomas Lucente’s July 5 column, “Decision worse than Dred Scott.”

While opponents have continually tried to derail the Affordable Care Act, it has clearly worked to help thousands of Ohioans secure quality, affordable health coverage. And the recent Supreme Court decision on King v. Burwell was a victory for those Ohioans.

More than 161,000 Ohioans enrolled through the Health Insurance Marketplace and received financial help, reducing their premiums by an average of $255 per month. After finally being able to access health coverage — many for the first time — these consumers can now be certain that they still have coverage and that they can get the care they need.

And for those who remain uninsured, they should know that financial help is available and here to stay, so coverage truly is affordable. It’s time to move past the political jockeying over the Affordable Care Act and continue to help more Ohioans get covered.

— April Nester
