Letter: Don’t take Brown’s union support rhetoric at face value

Sen. Sherrod Brown spoke at a local union hall in Lima and said corporations shouldn’t make “excess profit.” If oil and gas companies or other local corporations can’t make a profit, then we risk losing high-paying jobs in our community.

Brown has consistently voted against industry while also claiming to support workers. He can’t have it both ways. Industries, like the oil and gas industry in Lima that employs a large portion of the workforce in the area — when considering company employees, ancillary chemical plants and contractors — wouldn’t be able to provide family-sustaining jobs in our communities, most of which are union jobs Brown claims to support.

In California, it was recently announced that yet another petroleum refinery was shutting down in the state. California union workers, including the building trades and the operators, sent a letter to California Gov. Gavin Newsom slamming his energy policies and demonization of corporate profits. Those union workers recognize that profits keep people employed, profits help workers get their bonuses, and profits allow union workers to raise our families in communities like Lima.

Rank-and-file union members across the country are letting their union leaders know that their vote can not be taken for granted.

Steve Kesner


Kesner is vice president of United Steel Workers Local 624.


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