Letter: Public school teachers owe Brown their vote

Every public school teacher should vote for Sherrod Brown. Public school teachers owe Brown a vote, as he is the only Ohio senator who has been working diligently to repeal the windfall elimination provision and the government offset provision regulations tied to Social Security.

Ohio’s public school teachers are among more than 2.7 million hard-working Americans affected by WEP/GOP. This legislation slashes Social Security and pension benefits. These regulations penalize workers who live in 15 states, including Ohio.

These Social Security regulations were signed into law by President Ronald Reagan and cost workers millions in lost Social Security and pension benefits. Social security spousal death benefits can also be impacted by WEP/GPO.

For public school teachers who paid into Social Security through other jobs, their retirement pension is reduced because of these regulations. In September, a bill was introduced to repeal these provisions and to allow public employees, such as teachers, to receive the Social Security benefits they have paid.

For example, for a retired teacher who taught in Missouri, the WEP cost her at least $111,384 since 1995 when she retired. If her husband passes away before she does, she will receive only $14 per month in spousal benefits, despite the fact her husband paid Social Security taxes for all of his 40-year career at McDonnell -Douglas/Boeing. (Source: National Education Association)

A vote for Brown means that he will continue to work for all working Ohioans as he truly believes in the “dignity of work.” Our vote is a charge to Brown to keep fighting for Ohio’s workers. I sincerely believe he will continue to do so.

Patricia Johnson



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