Letter: Brown deserves your admiration and vote

As most readers of this letter have, I have encountered thousands of people in my life. Most people you do not form deep impressions of. Some people for many different reasons you dislike. Other people for many different reasons you admire. Sherrod Brown is one person who I admire.

He is a person of courage. In his career, he has fought against corporations and special interests, taking on Big Pharma and Wall Street. He was very instrumental in passing Wall Street reform after the financial crisis of 2008.

Brown was instrumental in passing legislation allowing the federal government to directly negotiate with drug companies to lower the cost of prescription drugs for Medicare beneficiaries and securing a monthly $35 cap on out-of-pocket insulin costs for all Ohioans on Medicare. President Donald Trump signed Sherrod’s Patient Right to Know Drug Prices Act to save Ohioans money by increasing transparency on drug pricing information at the pharmacy counter.

He was not afraid to fight his own party, opposing the passage of NAFTA and the Central America Free Trade Agreement because they hurt Ohio workers. In 2015, President Barack Obama signed Brown’s bipartisan Leveling the Playfield Act, the most significant improvement to our trade enforcement laws in more than a decade, that led directly to key wins for the Ohio steel industry.

Brown has fought to protect our voting rights. A former Ohio Secretary of State said Brown has long championed voting rights, and the Washington Post called his voter registration efforts, “Probably the most intensive and wide-ranging in the nation.”

Brown fights for Ohioans and needs to retain his Senate seat.

Chuck Schierloh



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