Letter: Democrats’ lies truly hurt the United States

There was a letter in the paper Sept. 18 titled, “People should stop believing the lies,” by Sherri Eley.

No truer words for the Democrats. The Democrats have watched and listened to all the fake news and all the lies they can muster up. They have tried everything with their lies to deceive people and blame Donald Trump for everything.

When Barack Obama was running for office, his brother wrote a documentary about how Obama was going to ruin the United States. Well, he couldn’t get it done in his terms of office, so he has been busy behind the scenes, conniving with the Dems to do all they could to make a mockery of the United States.

Trump did a great job as president. God and Trump worked together to run the country. You say you compare Trump with God. No, God is perfect, and God has imperfect people to do a good job. Trump made us feel good about ourselves and kept a handle on our country’s economy. The taxes weren’t skyrocketing. The borders were closed. We were safer than we are now. We could afford our groceries and not hate going to the gas station. Trump kept Putin, North Korea, China and Iran at bay.

The devious Dems have sold us down the river. They kept making money and sending it to the Ukraine when they should be helping Israel. No, they would rather give help to Iran, an enemy who is helping Hamas.

The Dems opened the borders to let drug cartels and criminals into our country, so they can give them free everything, hoping to get their illegal votes.

They stopped drilling. They are opposed to the police and don’t want to pay them what they are worth.

If people don’t wake up and find out the real truth, it will be bad fo all.

We all need to ask Jesus into our hearts and ask Him to forgive our sins.

Roxie Kloeppel



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