Letter: Vote for Trump is vote for communism

To the people voting for a convicted felon Donald Trump, he did get paid while in office. It was on his tax returns. Con men lie!

You are voting for communism. America will no longer be free. He has already told you that you will never vote again. He just told you he will get his revenge by killing his opponents.

This is Project 2025, Agenda 47 or whatever he is calling it today. You are voting to end the United States of America. Our younger generation will have no future.

Trump has already told you people that he doesn’t care about you, he just wants your vote.

So, hate the people of America. Hate America. Put your family and friends in danger, and vote for communism.

Even the anti-MAGA Republicans are voting Democrat so they can restart their party away from the most evil man in America.

Did you hear him congratulate Vladimir Putin for the prisoner exchange? It sounds like someone who hates our land and wants to be Russian.

We can either be free like we are today or turn everything around and live in North Korea. Shame on any of you who want a convicted felon con man to end our land and turn it into something nobody will be ready for.

Cheryl Rust



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