Letter: ‘Impression management’ came to life in debate

One interesting subject that surfaced during this election year beyond the battle between a purportedly non-politician and a female politician of color was a political term conceptualized by Erving Goffman in 1959 in “The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life,” and expanded upon in 1967 called “Impression Management.”

The term suggests that a conscious or subconscious process takes place in which people attempt to influence the perceptions of others about a person, object or event by regulating and controlling information in social interaction. We observed:

• Conformity: aligning one’s behavior or image with their environment.

• Ingratiation: influencing others’ perceptions by complimenting them for one to appear likable.

• Intimidation: getting what one wants by using aggression to control others’ perceptions.

• Flattery/acclaim: excessively complimenting someone or acknowledging them for doing their job correctly.

• Self-promotion: exaggerating one’s strengths or characteristics to cause someone else to think highly of them.

• Association: surrounding oneself with a particular social group to protect or promote one’s self-image.

According to CNN fact-checker Daniel Dale, Donald Trump lied at least 33 times during the 90-minute face-off. We can do better. Maybe a solution might be the inclusion of a fact-check moderator during the debates.

Why should we waste our tax dollars being entertained by lies and untruths that do more to promote Goffman’s theory rather than the conditions, mindset and actions that make our country successful in achieving its goals?

Bob Proby

Shawnee Township


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