Letter: Democrats deserve some criticism too

After reading Your View and noticing extreme criticism of Donald Trump, I wonder if any criticism of the current administration is allowed. If so, here goes: 11 million illegals in this country, $15 billion spent on their upkeep so far. Weaponizing the justice system for your own benefit. Keeping a candidate tied up in court with illegal gag orders.

Trump fixed the Veterans Administration in one term. That was one of his campaign promises, so if you are sincere about thanks for your service and the handshakes, vote for a candidate with a proven record of helping veterans.

Joe Biden promised student loan forgiveness and marijuana convictions to be off the record. Did either of those happen?

I think the vice president took a page from his fantasy fook with taxes on unrealized capital gains.

How much of the cost of living is caused by government spending? How much has it increased the price of real estate? Even if you don’t sell your property, you will be paying for it, over and over.

Dave Frantz



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The Lima News

Your View

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