Letter: Country can’t afford four more years of this

Our country is in peril. We are in serious trouble if Harris/Walz, through hook or crook, manage to retake the White House. Their theme is “Build Back Better.” The question is how do they build back what they broke the first time? We literally cannot afford to give them another four years of this disastrous failed administration.

How can they build back the 20 million unvetted illegals, including terrorists, who are now invading our towns, causing crime and destruction? How do they build back the historic inflation crisis that they caused because of uncontrolled spending? How can they build back the record high gas, food, utilities and housing costs plus the high consumer debt?

How do they build back the Ukraine-Russian war because of weak leadership? How do they build back the Israel-Hamas war that is killing innocent people? How do they build back trying to jail their opponent through frivolous lawsuits to keep him from running for office? How do they build back lying to American people about the decline of the current president?

How do they build back declaring war on our energy supply? How do they build back having record low test scores for K-12 students? How do they build back the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan that killed 13 of our soldiers by their incompetence?

The answer is they can’t, so why should we give them a second chance?

Harris has flip-flopped on all of her policies while vice president and is now claiming most of Donald Trump’s plan to get more votes, which is also why the border is open. Please don’t be fooled by her lying inconsistencies. Rest assured, she will immediately return to her original plans, and our country will suffer for it. I am totally appalled at anyone who would support a candidate simply because of race or gender, forgetting what happens once they are in control.

Trump will seal the border, do mass deportations, strengthen our military, prevent wars, protect Social Security and Medicare, end inflation, make major tax cuts, make us energy independent and defend the Constitution. This is all you need to know. For the sake of our country, our children and grandchildren, please wake up and help save our country from the most leftist liberal radical agenda that this candidate will pursue.

Marilyn Gratz



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