Letter: Trumps misdeeds make him laughable candidate

The Republican Party has sunk to a new low. They have chosen to be their candidate for President of the United States a man who is:

• A convicted felon (34 counts).

• An adulterer (cheated on wife 1 with wife 2, then cheated on wife 2 with wife 3, and cheated on wife 3 with a porn star, claiming he never had sex with her, yet paid her $130,000).

• A business fraud, costing him $355 million.

• A sexual abuser (costing him $5 million).

• A skimmer of money from a children’s cancer charity.

• Someone who ran a fake university, paying out $25 million in settlements.

• A guy who called dead or wounded soldiers “suckers and losers.”

• A six-time bankruptcy filer.

• Stiffing hundreds of contractors, refusing to pay them.

• A prolific liar.

• 78 years old!

• Totally incoherent. Have you listened to him lately? He spews repeated lies and rambles about wind turbines killing whales and the Revolutionary Army taking the airports.

Seriously? Of all the Republicans in the United States, this is the best they can muster? A person with this resume would be laughed out of any job interview, yet the Republicans want him to be president?

I don’t care what kind of baggage you think Kamala Harris has, every politician has some, but they don’t hold a candle to what you’ve read above. Read them again! The man is utterly despicable and doesn’t have one redeeming value. Not one!

Jerry Bunn

Columbus Grove


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