Letter: Who’s running the show in Washington now?

Who’s running the show? Vice President Kamala Harris is campaigning all over the country. President Joe Biden is on constant vacation at Rehoboth Beach, Md. And the Republican-led Congress (by act of Congress in 1970) has 55 days off beginning Aug 1 until the election in November.

Who’s running the show? Unelected, appointed bureaucrats. Yet VP Harris, the presumptive presidential nominee for the Democratic Party, says she has a “plan” to fight inflation. Well, how about having Biden call an emergency meeting with his cabinet and call Congress back to implement the “plan” now? It will never happen. The unelected bureaucrats that actually make policy and run the nation would never allow their vice president puppet such power before or after the upcoming election.

Our nation is broken, and the politicians who say they care for the “working man and woman” don’t. They just keep campaigning ad nauseum from one cycle to the next.

Craig Nichols



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