Letter: Exercise your right to vote this November

Doctors stress the importance of exercise for the health of our bodies. Exercising our right to vote is equally important. Just as muscles will atrophy when not used, the country will lose its strength when citizens do not participate in the maintenance of democracy.

In 2023, Ohioans were able to garner their collective voice in the passing of Issue 1, thus enshrining the reproductive rights of women into the state constitution. This demonstrates the power we have to enact change when we exercise our rights. Just as “all lives matter,” all votes matter, too!

We must shake off our indifference and inertia and engage fully in the democratic process. Register to vote — the deadline is Oct. 7. Actually vote — whether mail-in, early or in person. Volunteer to be a poll worker, and help facilitate the free and fair process that ensures the continuity of our government.

I served as a poll worker in 2020, in the midst of the pandemic. My main jobs were taking temperatures and wiping down the booths in between voters. It was a long day but an inspiring one, as I watched Democratic and Republican poll workers unite to safeguard the votes cast that day.

President Biden stated in his Oval Office speech on July 24, “It’s about We the people”’ Indeed, we hold the power to shape our future, but only if we use it. As Benjamin Franklin stated, when asked which type of government was selected, “a republic, if you can keep it.” If we don’t actively participate, we won’t keep it. As the president encouraged us, “I made my choice,” now you make yours. Choose to vote!

Elizabeth Briggs



We welcome letters of 275 words or fewer. Letters are subject to editing for length, clarity and grammar. They should be concise, to the point and original — no form letters, please. Letters dealing with private disputes or containing criticism of private individuals or businesses are not published. Letters must have a signature (unless emailed) and a full name, address and daytime telephone number (for verification purposes only). During periods of high volume, such as prior to an election, writers can be limited to one letter a month. Letters may be published on our website.


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