Letter: We know the real threat to democracy

We have heard over and over and over about Donald Trump being a threat to democracy.

Let’s see. Who literally ran for president from his basement in 2020 and avoided the press at all costs? Who went through the primary process this year and won the vote before being kicked to the curb for someone who got no primary votes?

Now we have a new candidate who in the past several years has taken many extreme positions that you won’t hear about because: 1. She will not face a legitimate press to answer questions in the next 90 days (she learned well from Joe on that). 2. The majority of the press is not legitimate and will never ask her about her past positions in the first place. Let me help you.

Kamala Harris:

• Said that a top tax rate of 80% was worth taking a serious look at.

• Favors eliminating at taxpayer expense all student debt.

• Wants free college for everyone and free government-run health care.

• Wants mandatory government gun buyback programs and in 2008 argued to the Supreme Court that there is no individual right to self-defense in our country.

• Wants to pass a law that makes abortion legal in all 50 states, including with doctor agreement right up until the moment of birth.

• Wants gender-affirming health care (body mutilation) legal for minors without parental consent.

Who’s a threat to democracy?

Tom Von Sossan



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