Letter: Education the key to fixing democracy

I’m writing in regards to our political system’s degenerate ways.

As we’ve all witnessed in the news, one party preaches this resurrecting solution that will set America straight, while the other totally dismisses it and tries to sell this practical infomercial method that is realistically the same idea, just a different animal in the corner. It seems as though we are only understanding the obvious de-evolution in politics, certainly not how our country can improve on its more-than-obvious problems.

So, how can we as average Americans try to enhance our ever-dividing yet beloved nation?

While you may be thinking “pray,” “vote” or “move to Canada,” the ultimate solution dates all the way back to 1600 B.C. — education.

School has become part of every child’s normal routine, yet it is often overlooked for its societal impact. Critical thinking situations, deductive reasoning skills, consistent environment and lasting relationships are all basic building blocks for growing adolescents, but for most kids school is the only place to find these necessities.

So, if we wish to build a healing and stronger America, we must continue to educate ourselves and children. Gathering unbiased resources, maintaining an open mind and understanding all perspectives are vital to a better tomorrow.

Appreciating that we may not agree, but we can most definitely agree to disagree, shows a level of respect powerful enough to restore hope in all humanity. But, to ultimately mend our divided country, we must seek reality, not tainted truths.

Kera Dorsten

St. Marys


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