Letter: Church grateful for efforts of Binkley

I would like to honor the remarkable legacy of one of the pillars of our community, Erline Binkley. For more than 44 years, Erline has been the picture of integrity and loyalty, serving tirelessly as treasurer and human resources director at Lima Community Church of the Nazarene. She has touched countless lives along the way.

Although her commitment to outstanding financial stewardship is unparalleled, she is so much more than that. She has embodied a spirit of kindness and generosity and has been an incomparable teammate. Through her meticulous attention to detail and selfless love for our community, Erline not only managed our finances but also nurtured a culture of trust and support among us all.

We have heard from countless former staff members who worked with Erline over the years, and they have all shared the same heart: She was a delight to work with and exhibited all the best traits of a servant leader.

Erline’s wisdom and caring spirit have left an indelible mark on our staff, our church and our entire community. As she turns the page to her retirement chapter, we extend our deepest gratitude for her exceptional service and profound impact on all of us at Lima Community Church. We send all our love and best wishes to her and her dear husband, Dale, in this new season.

Brad Taylor



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