Letter: American votes deserve a new hero candidate

Perhaps the time has come in American politics for a modern-day David and Goliath story.

Find a smart, young man in the Democratic camp with no fear and a desire to take on the old MAGA-hat Donald Trump, who can sling arrows and outtalk the Republican candidate with the best of them. Let this new hero transform the present state of affairs in the November race to the presidency!

The people of this great nation are sick of watching tired, old men try to make America great again. The time has come for new blood in American politics. Can you imagine a new, young kid that sees the writing on the wall regarding the future of our democracy and desperately wants to bring back the old glory days of a nation that outstrips all other countries in gross national product?

We deserve better than Trump and Joe Biden in the race for the highest position in world politics.

Carl D. Liechty



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